Wednesday, December 10, 2014

               Ek chota sa Sawal!
                               A silent short film plot line
This is a story of one mute and deaf couple.They communicate with sign language to each other.The wife is pregnant so the husband does most of the household works out of love.
The talk about the baby,his future and their other dreams.
int.Night time in their bedroom
The wife was sleeping and the husband was stitching a sweater for the kid to be born

sitting near the door of the room.Suddenly she starts flashing the torch light on her
husband ,He rushes back to her to find her with labour pain.He isn’t able to understand what to do first tired to run to the neighbour to call him for help,but the wife tells not to leave her alone.So he takes her with him and both of them start walking towards the neighbour’s house .Just when they try to cross the road in front of their house a drunk drivers comes from the other side suddenly and hits them. Than the driver runs aways.When the husband gets some sens he finds out his wife is bleeding and also she isn’t breathing.He cries out for help and throws stone towards the cars,shows angers towards god looking at the stars as his wife,the kid to be born and all their dreams comes to a tragic end.

Next we see the husband standing by a busy road,With a sign language asking one simple question :
The film ends with a note that in india everyday more than 350 lives are lost in the
name of murder. Which is nothing but a killing due to ignorance of life taking facts like road safety,drink and drive,rush driving etc.Please take steps on your side to stop it.Drive safe,live and let live.To watch the film click in the link below
          Ek Chota Sa Sawal! (The movie youtube Link)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

        Tale of two weirdos
           How this two met and other stuffs!

(As told by my friend to me about his best friend ) 
Mahek: Hey,I heard you make movies & stuff! 
Sameer:Yeah..kind off.You in this college ? 
Mahek:Yeah .

Mahek:I acted in few movies.Will send you my stuffs.
Sameer:Yeah totally,Umm take my number...whatsapp me. Ok got to go.

On whatsapp :After two days 
Mahek:Did you watch?
Sameer:ahhh hey,no let me check.
Mahek: (bitch)
Sameer:Hey good stuff,your acting was good and you are quite photogenic.Direction and story could have been better.
Mahek:Yeah it was our first film.

After one day
Mahek:Hey dude what’s up!
Mahek:I was thinking of making one short film for this fest coming up near our college.I have contact there.
Sameer:Ohh yeah totally.Let’s catch up.

Mahek:Damn we couldn’t finish our movie huh! 
Sameer:Yeah dude..sorry
Mahek:Aree it’s ok,you lazy ass.Let’s go eat something. 

Sameer:Yeah i’m totally hungry. KFc will do?
Mahek:kya hua ?
Sameer:Feeling low
MaheK :Uff nautanki,Sun come to my place.We will go for a walk, ok!You’ll feel good. Sameer:Sunna,let’s go to eat Khandwa too.

Mahek:haha khandvi re :D.

Some more about them: They are like grown up Childs.They fight, they laugh, they eat, they create...most importantly they care for each other.They talk about their future, creative needs and goes grocery shopping together.They can be totally open to each other without the fear of being judged or misunderstood.They are perfect friends for each other with all their imperfection.
Well,It’s not the time or space that matter.What matters is two same kind of people meeting each other.See the paradox in this world is we like someone and that someone likes someone else and it goes on.But only when two like minded people meets each other, magic happens.Some fall in love, some get into one of the most beautiful relationship called friendship.In today's web.2.0 world for many “friends” might just mean those names on their Facebook friends list.But still for people like Mahek and Sameer it means much more.They value it.They preserve it and they nurture it.Wishing them a beautiful friendship journey ahed this is Moonjir Alam signing off for today.See yeah next week with some more untold stories. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Importance of being truthful in today's world!

         Truthful means being or expressing the truth; being honest.And ‘Human’ means relating to or characteristic of humankind.But is it important to be human you should be truthful too?Specially in today’s time when manipulation,corruption,unhealthy competition are at it’s peak,is it possible to be truthful! Well to answer this question’s we need to understand the importance of being truthful as humans.A man’s character can be judged by his values.As Gandhi said that character is based on virtuous action and virtuous action is grounded on Truth.However is it always right to be truthful?
Humans are social animal.We like to live our life with our family,friends or other fellow beings.It’s a phycological need for us.And to build a relationship with other fellow human beings there should be trust.Which comes from being truthful to each other.As truth is one of the virtue that can never be hidden.Even the ancient Indian history sites stories like raja Harishchand who sacrificed everything for the sake of truth.Prophet Mohammed’s philosophy of religion was accepted by people of that time because he was known for being truthful or trustworthy.Also,to succeed in any field be it in business,job,studies one needs to be truthful.It brings tranquility and stability whereas lying brings pain,confusion and uncertainty. Lies can’t be hidden.Gandhi’s autobiography “My experiments with truth” is one of best work on the importance of being truthful.Where he famously states that“Truth is like a vast tree, which yields more and more fruit, the more you nurture it.”One should also note that as human being we also should be truthful to our own self.Cause if you can’t be honest to yourself you will loose self respect and will fail in the most of the things in life.Also that will result in having no respect in the society.
        Humans are also the only living being who has the ability to lie.According to various studies it has been found that human children start lying when they are as young as six months of age.To seek attention children lie through fake crying or laughing.As time passes we  become good in it.But with time we learn from mistakes and work on our this kind of cognitive behaviours.As lies brings bad name in society or we loose the trust of others we try to reduce it.But again lies can bring fortune,short-term glory,popularity,thrill etc.But as we have already discussed it’s a temporary thing and doesn’t last forever.Though it is important to be truthful but in some instances one should know when it is better not to tell the truth.A harmless truth is always the best thing to stick with.Truth that can hurt someone,can cause a grater damage to a honest man or society should be avoided.Lying for self protection,to save someone’s life from evil factors are consider as a greater truth. What’s important is, being sensible with respect to the situation and time.Otherwise lies should be avoided at all cost cause bad habits like this become habitual in no time.
         Truthfulness has a great impact on a human’s spiritual self too.Lies brings fear,disturbance,confusion in our minds.Specially in modern time where human’s are out of tune of their own self.Which makes human being more vulnerable to depression,neurosis and instability of mind,spirituality has became a prominent factor in day to day life.To attain spirituality one have to be truthful.
        Not only due to benefits and loss as a social species it is our moral obligation of being truthful to our fellow human being.Not only it bring self satisfaction in long run,it’s also a human’s responsibility of being the most smart living being of this planet.So,though to be human it might not be necessary to be truthful but it is of course important,healthy and always the best choice to make if it possible.It’s after all the choices that we make that makes us human.
       We can now safely say that being truthful is absolutely prominent to man’s welfare.After all we are immortal being.All of us do want to keep a good name behind before we die.On the death bed nobody wants people to curse them or remember them for their lies, the trust he broke.As there is a saying that when you came to the world everyone laughed and you cried,but when you die you should be the one laughing and everyone around you should be crying.That’s the essence of a well lived human life.So I would like to conclude this easy by saying be truthful,be human

Friday, May 10, 2013

What I have been doing!!

                 Do you want to join engineering just because its the safe path to take? well think again 

   My second video,,a comedy satire on engineering life. Amateur video which you can relate to if you went through the same phases as the characters Tattu and Ghattu..
Do watch and share.Cheers :)

Watch the video here......kya aapka beta bhi engineer banega? 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My first short film!

                              Hey i'm Back with a movie!
     I was busy these days with college.But that couldn't stop me from doing what I love the most.:)
I'm happy to share my Short film that I made Recently -"Vulture Hunter".Do watch and let me know 
what you like or don't like in it!It's a movie close  to my heart as the story I wrote When I was in 11th standerd in school.So yaa let me know after watching this.It's a film about Sociopath.Well ,I tried my best that this little film of 5min do entertain now go give it a watch,,,,,